First Aid for Younger Learners

We are proud to be involved in a movement to increase knowledge of First Aid amongst young people.


When asked the question “how confident and able would you be to assist someone in a First Aid situation?” up to 75% of respondents from areas such as Scandinavia, the US and Australia answer that they are highly likely to assist. Compare that to the UK where only 23% are likely to help L

The main reasons given for fearing First Aid are not knowing what to do, fear of making it worse, fear of getting sued and lacking general confidence. These fears can easily be allayed by attending a course and it should be noted that in Scandinavia kids have done 3 First-Aid courses by the time they leave school and in many parts of Europe a First Aid qualification is pre-requisite to obtaining a driving license.


Apart from the obvious benefit of being able to do something in an emergency and helping to develop the First Aiders of the future, common feedback cites improvements in:



We keep it simple whether for kids or adults and tailor this course so that it is suitable for anywhere from Key Stages 2 to 4

We have a very flexible approach for schools….choose from the courses below or mix and match.

Half-day course – Basic Lifesaving Skills

Includes an introduction, care & communication, First Aid kit, Primary survey, Recovery position, CPR & choking. You may substitute any subjects here as you see fit.

Full-day course – As above plus Bleeding, Burns and scalds, fainting, chest pain, allergies, bites and stings, seizures plus any other business/open forum.  Again topics can be substituted to your requirements.

With a fun approach we’ll have them delivering rescue breaths and chest compressions to manikins, bandaging each other up and getting rid of obstacles from the wind pipe!

Certificates of attendance are issued to all attendees

Students over 16 may complete the accredited Emergency First Aid at Work course which comes with a credit and fits into the qualifications framework. Attendees receive a basic first aid booklet along with a face shield, training bandage and sling per person.


Full-day – £450 + VAT

Half –day – £300 + VAT

We can mix this up any way you want so please ask. For example we did a day of one hour modules so were able to teach 100 kids about the recovery position and CPR in a day with just one tutor…and it was fun!

Generally one tutor to 20 learners is acceptable but for these courses if you can provide extra supervision (rather than pay for an extra tutor) you can add more students so that more kids can get their first experience of First Aid. Again please just ask, we are sure to satisfy your requirements and come up with feasible options regarding topics covered, timings etc.

We offer a nation-wide coverage and deliver the training on your premises.

Make your enquiry here or call 0208 355 6834 or 07970 977241



HABC Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (QCF)

Qualification Number: 600/7372/X


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

 1. Understand the role and responsibilities of a first aider

1.1 Identify the role and responsibilities of a first aider

1.2 Describe how to minimise the risk of infection to self and others

1.3 Identify the need of establishing consent to provide first aid

1.4 Complete an accident report form

1.5 Identify the first aid equipment that should be available in a workplace

1.6 Describe the safe use of first aid equipment

2. Be able to assess an incident

2.1 Conduct a scene survey

2.2 Conduct a primary survey of a casualty

2.3 Give examples of when to call for help

3. Be able to manage an unresponsive casualty who is breathing normally

3.1 Assess a casualty’s level of consciousness

3.2 Open a casualty’s airway and check breathing

3.3 Explain why it is important to place an unconscious

casualty into the recovery position

3.4 Place an unresponsive casualty in the recovery position

3.5 Manage a casualty who is in seizure

4. Be able to manage an unresponsive casualty who is not breathing normally

4.1 Recognise the need to commence Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

4.2 Demonstrate Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation using a manikin

5. Know how to recognise and assist a casualty who is choking

5.1 Describe how to identify a casualty with a

·        Partially blocked airway

·        Completely blocked airway

5.2 Administer first aid to a casualty who is choking

6. Be able to manage a casualty with external bleeding

6.1 Identify the types of external bleeding

6.2 Control external bleeding

7. Be able to manage a casualty who is in shock

7.1 Recognise shock

7.2 Administer first aid to a casualty who is in shock

8. Be able to manage a casualty with a minor injury

8.1 Administer first aid to a casualty with small cuts, grazes and bruises

8.2 Administer first aid to a casualty with minor burns and scalds

8.3 Administer first aid to a casualty with small splinters


HABC Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (QCF)

Qualification Number: 600/7373/X

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria


Please note – The Level 3 First Aid at Work now consists of the above Level 2 EFAW syllabus added to the following:

1. Be able to conduct a secondary survey.

1.1 Identify the information to be collected when gathering a casualty history

1.2 Conduct a head to toe survey

2. Be able to administer first aid to a casualty with injuries to bones, muscles and joints.

2.1 Recognise suspected;

  • fractures
  • dislocations
  • sprains and strains

2.2 Administer first aid for;

  • fractures
  • dislocations
  • sprains and strains

3. Be able to administer first aid to a casualty with suspected head and spinal injuries.

3.1 Recognise suspected;

  • concussion
  • skull fracture
  • cerebral compression
  • spinal injury

3.2 Administer first aid for suspected;

  • concussion
  • skull fracture
  • cerebral compression
  • spinal injury

4. Be able to administer first aid to a casualty with suspected chest injuries.

4.1 Recognise the different types of chest injury

4.2 Administer first aid for a chest injury

5. Be able to administer first aid to a casualty with burns and scalds.

5.1 Recognise the factors that affect the severity of burns and scalds.

5.2 Administer first aid for burns involving;

  • dry heat
  • wet heat
  • electricity
  • chemicals

6. Be able to administer first aid to a casualty with an eye injury.

6.1 Give examples of common eye injuries

6.2 Administer first aid for eye injuries involving;

  • dust
  • chemicals
  • embedded objects 

7. Be able to administer first aid to a casualty with sudden poisoning

7.1 Identify the routes that poisons can take to enter the body

7.2 Administer immediate first aid to a casualty affected by sudden poisoning

7.3 Identify sources of information for treating those affected by sudden poisoning

8. Be able to administer first aid to a casualty with anaphylaxis.

8.1 Identify common triggers for anaphylaxis

8.2 Recognise anaphylaxis

8.3 Administer immediate first aid for a casualty suffering from anaphylaxis

9. Be able to provide first aid to a casualty with suspected major illness.

9.1 Recognise major illnesses including;

  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • epilepsy
  • asthma
  • diabetes

9.2 Administer first aid to a casualty suffering from major illnesses including;

  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • epilepsy
  • asthma
  • diabetes

Level 2 Award in Paediatric First Aid


12 Hours (over 2 days)

Course Description

Candidates will become familiar with the role of the paediatric first aider and be able to assess and react appropriately to an emergency situation including being able to provide first aid for a child and an infant.

The certification achieved at the end of the course is valid for three years. Re-certification is achieved by repeating the course in three years time.

Course Outline
♦ Accidents: How and what type occur
♦ Unconscious Casualty: Adult/ Child/ Infant
♦ Resuscitation: Adults/ Children/ Infants
♦ Contents of the First Aid Kit
♦ Dealing with blood loss and shock
♦ Burns and scalds
♦ Causes of unconsciousness
♦ Electric Shock
♦ Foreign objects
♦ Recognition and management of fractures
♦ Administration of medication
♦ Recognition of infectious diseases and minor illnesses
♦ Recording and reporting

The Level 2 Award in Paediatric First Aid consists of 2 units and is to be provided over a period of 2 days with a minimum contact time of 6 hours per unit. Training Centres can offer a 1 day course covering Unit 1 of the qualification. Candidates successfully completing only the 1 day course will gain a Credit Certificate only, not the full Level 2 Award in Paediatric First Aid.

For the purposes of Registered Childcare provision and Early Years childcare within England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the Candidate must successfully complete the full 2 day Level 2 Award in Paediatric First Aid.

The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage is a document published by The Department for Children, Schools and Families and applies to Early Years childcare within England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Statutory Framework states that ‘at least one person who has a current paediatric first aid certificate must be on the premises at all times when children are present. There must be at least one person on outings who has a current paediatric first aid certificate.’ The Level 2 Award in Paediatric First Aid is recognised as a qualification that fulfills this need.

More courses available on request (First Aid for Care Homes, Nurseries, Parents, Schools etc).  Please contact us with your requirements.

Contact us to discuss your training requirements